Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More

Rady Children's Specialists


Nutrition plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Our patients and their caregivers have many nutrition concerns, and the Integrative Medicine Program has two registered dietitians to guide them during and after their treatment process. Clinical dietitians Darcie Walker, R.D., and Nikki Sanner, R.D., are available to counsel our patients about nutrition during their hospital stay or clinic visits. They work closely with our medical team to identify patients in need of nutritional intervention. You can call them at 858-576-1700, ext. 225660.

Healthy Meals Everyday at Rady Children’s

In March 2006, the Integrative Medicine Program teamed up with the Rady Children’s Food Service Department and brought Meatless Monday to all patients, families and staff. The Meatless Monday national public health campaign is in association with the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The goal of Meatless Monday is to promote decreased intake of meat, saturated fat and cholesterol to help Americans prevent heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Due to the positive response, the Rady Children’s now offers a vegetarian entrée everyday in the Cafe. Start your week eating healthy. Check out the Meatless Monday website at

Helpful Nutrition Links