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Rady Children's Specialists


The Division’s Electrophysiology Program, under the leadership of Matthew Williams, M.D., and Alejandro Borquez, M.D., specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm abnormalities in both children and adults with congenital heart disease. We provide a full range of procedures and services, including catheter ablations, pacemaker and defibrillator care, and second opinions for patients outside our region. Our team is also involved in clinical research studies, as well as basic science research with the University of California, San Diego.

Outpatient and inpatient care. Outpatient clinics are provided for patients with pacemakers and defibrillators. The Electrophysiology Program (EP) team also provides inpatient consultation services to the general cardiology program and other programs at Rady Children’s.

Catheter ablation procedures. Electrophysiology studies and curative catheter ablations are typically performed as outpatient procedures at Rady Children’s. The EP team has been influential in the development of several technologies currently in use to provide safe and effective arrhythmia care. Radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation and three-dimensional mapping systems are used on a case-by-case basis, with outcomes equal to the best anywhere in the country.

Pacemaker and defibrillator care. The EP team monitors several hundred patients with pacemakers and defibrillators. These devices are often implanted in our catheterization laboratory. Patients with certain forms of congenital heart disease needing these arrhythmia management devices have them implanted by our surgical team. The surgical team, lead by John Nigro M.D., has more than 30 years of experience in surgical care for congenital heart disease and arrhythmias. Transtelephonic care can be provided.

Second opinions. The EP team frequently provides second opinions for patients and families who travel to San Diego from outside the region, ensuring they receive all the time they need to ask questions and understand their options for arrhythmia care. If you would like a second opinion from us, please contact us at the phone number below. Please also arrange for your current physician to send us information regarding electrocardiograms, 24-hour Holter monitors, other arrhythmia monitoring data and/or any prior surgical or catheter interventions well ahead of the date of your visit so these can be reviewed ahead of time.

Research.The EP team is involved in a number of local, regional and national clinical research studies in an effort to advance the field of electrophysiology. Several innovative basic science research projects are underway, in partnership with the UC San Diego Department of Bioengineering.

For an appointment with the Electrophysiology Program, please call 858-966-5855 or 800-HEART-18 (800-432-7818). Our fax number is 858-571-7903. Data can be scanned and sent by email as a PDF to our administrative staff.