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Health Library

Kitchen: Household Safety Checklist


  • Are knives, forks, scissors, and other sharp tools in a drawer with a childproof latch?
  • Have you installed a dishwasher lock so kids can’t open it while it’s running and can’t reach breakable dishes, knives, and other dangerous objects?
  • Have you installed a stove lock and have knob protectors been placed on the stove knobs?
  • Does your oven range have an anti-tip bracket installed?
  • Are chairs and stepstools kept away from the stove?
  • When cooking, are all pot handles on the stove turned inward or placed on back burners where kids can’t reach them?
  • Are glass objects and appliances with sharp blades stored out of reach?
  • Is the garbage can behind a cabinet door with a childproof latch?
  • Are all appliances unplugged when not in use, with cords out of reach?
  • Are all vitamin or medicine bottles tightly closed and stored in a high cabinet far from reach?
  • Are matches and lighters stored in a locked cabinet?
  • Is the cabinet under the sink free of cleaning supplies, bug sprays, dishwasher detergent, and dishwashing liquids? And are these supplies out of the reach of children?
  • Are any bottles containing alcohol stored out of reach?
  • Are all plastic garbage bags and sandwich bags out of reach?
  • Are refrigerator magnets and other small objects out of reach?
  • Are childproof latches installed on all cabinet doors?
  • Is there a working fire extinguisher? Do family members know how to use it?
  • Does your child’s highchair have a safety belt with a strap between the legs?
  • Are tables free of tablecloths that could be grabbed?