Flow Cytometry
Whole Blood or Bone Marrow
Quest Diagnostics San Juan Capistrano
4-5 Days
10 mL Whole Blood or 4 mL Bone Marrow
Lavender (EDTA)
Whole blood or bone marrow collected in sodium heparin (green-top) or ACD solution B (yellow-top) is also acceptable. Fresh (unfixed) tissue, Buffy coat, CSF, Biopsy, Amniotic fluid, Fluid, Cyst fluid, Gastric fluid, Pericardial fluid, Peritoneal fluid, Synovial fluid, or Vitreous fluid collected in a sterile screw cap container is also acceptable. Any tissue or body fluid is acceptable. Sample size is dependent upon leukocyte cellularity of sample. Minimum of 50,000 cells of interest in total volume of tissue or fluid. Absolutely no fixative can be added.
Room Temp: 72 Hours; Refrigerated: Tissue and Body Fluids Only; Frozen: Call Lab
10 mL Whole Blood or 4 mL Bone Marrow
3 mL Whole Blood or 1 mL Bone Marrow
Indicate source in comments and on specimen. If sending tissue, indicate Histology Specimen Number and source in comments and on specimen. Whole blood or Bone Marrow send immediately room temp. Tissue or body fluid send immediately refrigerated. DO NOT FREEZE.
CD3, CD7, CD13, CD19, CD20, CD33, CD34, CD45, CD64, CD45 is used for gating. Additional markers may be performed based on the pathologist review. These markers will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 88185 for each additional marker).
Indicate source in comments and on specimen. If sending tissue, indicate Histology Specimen Number and source in comments and on specimen.
88184, 88185 (x8), 88188