RT-PCR (Diasorin)
SARS-COV-2; COVID; COVID19; Coronavirus
NP or NS Swab or Respiratory Fluid
Daily (0400-1000); Tested on SARS only Rapid test (Liat) in Micro afterhours (1000-0400)
4-6 Hours
Use Rapid Liat COVID test instead
Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs or nasal swabs (NS) in Copan Universal Transport Media (UTM) or BD Universal Viral Transport (UVT) or equivalent, Remel M5, Remel M6, Copan ESwab (Liquid Amies), Puritan UniTranz-RT or saline (0.9% sodium chloride in water).
Viral Media
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) undiluted or diluted 1:1 (v/v) in a mucolytic such as Remel Sputasol or Nasal wash/aspirate (NW) undiluted is also acceptable. Use only swabs with a synthetic tip (e.g. Dacron, nylon, or rayon) and an aluminum or plastic shaft. Do not use calcium alginate swabs, as they may contain substances that inhibit PCR testing. Do not put swab into viral transport media with less than 3 mL volume.
No limitation
Leaked specimen; Unlabeled or incompletely labeled specimens; Specimen with calcium alginate swabs
3 mL VTM; or 1 mL for BAL or Nasal Wash
3 mL VTM; or 1 mL for BAL or Nasal Wash
Do not open bag containing specimen outside of the Biosafety hood. Receive specimen into lab and place in refrigerated MDL bin as soon as possible. If ordered STAT, deliver to Micro bench staff promptly for SARS only Rapid test (Liat). DO NOT place in Micro bucket.
Sars-CoV-2 RT-PCR
Tested on SARS only Rapid test (Liat) and RP2 (ePlex) in Micro afterhours (1000-0400).