Important Construction Updates Regarding Our Ongoing Campus Transformation — Read More

Education and Office Building (EOB)

7960 Birmingham Drive (Map it)
EOB sizedSan Diego, CA 92123


Parking is available at the North Parking Garage and South Parking Garage on Children’s Way.

Walking Directions from the North Visitor Parking Garage:

  1. Please walk toward the Medical Office Building across the street.
  2. Head south toward the Rose Pavilion Emergency Room.
  3. Walk the path between the Hahn and Rose building (past the ER) through the archways.
  4. You will find a short stair case leading you into the Education Office Building Parking area.
  5. Walk across the parking area toward Entrance 14.
  6. You will enter through the left set of double glass doors and find directly in front of you the 1800 Flexible Education rooms A, B and C.

Walking Instructions from the South Visitor Parking Garage:

  1. Please cross the street from the Ronald McDonald House toward the Acute Care Pavilion.
  2. Walk the path between the Rose and ACP passing Subway toward the back of the building.
  3. Continue following the path turning right toward the Healing Garden.
  4. Follow the path around the Garden and keep walking to cross the parking lot toward the Education Building to Entrance 14.
  5. You will enter through the left set of double glass doors and find directly in front of you the 1800 Flexible Education rooms A, B and C.