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Medical Office Building (MOB)

MOB3030 Children’s Way
San Diego, CA 92123 (Map it)



Parking is available at the North Parking Garage and South Parking Garage on Children’s Way.

Walking directions from Children’s Way North Parking Garage:

Option 1:

  • Go to street level of the parking structure.
  • Cross Children’s Way and enter Medical Office Building
    at Entrance #3.

Option 2:

  • Cross footbridge from top floor of the parking structure.
  • Enter Medical Office Building at Entrance #5 (you will be on the second floor of the Medical Office Building).
  • The building directory is to the left after you pass through the first sliding glass door.

Walking directions from Children’s Way South Parking Garage:

  • Go to the street level of the parking structure.
  • Walk north, crossing at the crosswalk in front of the Rose Pavilion.
  • Continue north, entering the Medical Office Building at Entrance #3.

Walking directions from the Frost Street Parking Lot:

  • Walk to south end of parking lot (towards the Rose Garden and Cafe).
  • Go east down path that follows the Rose Garden.
  • Enter Medical Office Building through glass sliding door (you will be on the second floor of the Medical Office Building).
  • The building directory is on the right.