3030 Children’s Way
San Diego, CA 92123 (Map it)
- Allergy & Immunology, 2nd Floor, North
- Emergency Eye Lanes, 1st Floor
- Endocrinology/Diabetes, 4th Floor, North
- Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, 2nd Floor, South
- Infectious Diseases, 2nd Floor, South
- Laboratory/Pathology, 1st Floor
- Metabolic & Mitochondrial Medicine, 4th Floor, North
- Neurology (including EMG & EEG; Muscle Disease Clinic), 4th Floor
- Nutrition Clinic, 4th Floor, North
- Ophthalmology Urgent Clinic, 1st Floor South
- Orthopedics and Scoliosis, 3rd Floor
- Otolaryngology, 1st Floor, North
- Pediatric Surgery, 1st Floor, South
- Pharmacy (Outpatient), 1st Floor
- Pulmonary/Respiratory, 2nd Floor, North
- Rheumatology, 1st Floor, South
- Supportive Care (Palliative Medicine), 2nd Floor, South
Parking is available at the North Parking Garage and South Parking Garage on Children’s Way.
Walking directions from Children’s Way North Parking Garage:
Option 1:
- Go to street level of the parking structure.
- Cross Children’s Way and enter Medical Office Building
at Entrance #3.
Option 2:
- Cross footbridge from top floor of the parking structure.
- Enter Medical Office Building at Entrance #5 (you will be on the second floor of the Medical Office Building).
- The building directory is to the left after you pass through the first sliding glass door.
Walking directions from Children’s Way South Parking Garage:
- Go to the street level of the parking structure.
- Walk north, crossing at the crosswalk in front of the Rose Pavilion.
- Continue north, entering the Medical Office Building at Entrance #3.
Walking directions from the Frost Street Parking Lot:
- Walk to south end of parking lot (towards the Rose Garden and Cafe).
- Go east down path that follows the Rose Garden.
- Enter Medical Office Building through glass sliding door (you will be on the second floor of the Medical Office Building).
- The building directory is on the right.