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Medical Student Orientation Checklist

Orientation: Unless specified, orientation will be held on the first Monday of your rotation. Dr. Metcalf will meet with you in the EOB (Education Office Building) that morning for an hour-long orientation. You should be prepared to work a shift that day unless otherwise scheduled. It is important to have your paperwork turned in at least three to four weeks in advance to get your badge and pass-codes before your first day at Rady Children’s Emergency Care Center.

Computer Access Code/EPIC Access: Fax your completed GME, Confidentiality Agreement and Badge Request forms to Marian Toscano, GME Coordinator at fax 858-966-7477. Turnaround time to enter residents into the system is approximately three weeks, once we receive the forms.

These forms must be filled out and turned in to obtain a computer access code. You will receive your private computer access code from Shaela Parrott only if you have turned in updated forms. This will allow you to access patient information.

ID Badge: All personnel are required to wear a Rady Children’s ID badge when at the Hospital.

You can obtain your ID badge and proximity card (to access parking and hospital doors) in Building #14, EOB (Education Office Building), only after submitting all GME forms. To get your badge and proximity card, please contact Jasmine Duran at 858-966-8036 or Office hours are 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Epic Training: You will be sent a login and password for Chexweb to complete the EPIC software online training. This training is required to start your rotation.

Tools: Please arrive with all of your tools, including stethoscope, reflex hammer, insufflator and black ink pen.

ECC House Staff Manual: A manual has been created to provide you with the information needed to begin working in the ECC. It is required reading prior to the first day of your rotation.

Working Schedule: Your schedule will be emailed to you. You can also see your schedule on Contact Jasmine Duran at with any questions about your schedule. If you are ill, please notify your program, the ECC attending at 858-966-8800 and Jasmine Duran at 858-966-8036.

Articles: A packet of articles has been created for you to read during your rotation: