Health Alert: San Diego County is seeing record numbers of influenza cases this season, with more severe cases & rapid illness progression — Read More

Useful Links

Local Resources

Autism Society (San Diego)

The Autism Society San Diego serves as the voice and resource of the San Diego autism community.  The Society members include autistic individuals and their parents, relatives, friends, advocates, caregivers, medical professionals and educators throughout San Diego County and beyond.

Autism Tree Project Foundation

Autism Tree Project is an organization dedicated to improving autism communities around the world and benefits the entire family. ATP provides over 200 community-based family events annually, each created to engage the autism community in a variety of play-centered activities and designed to build social confidence, language and communication skills.  The Autism Tree Parent Mentor Program ( ) is a way to provide face-to-face support in a caring and warm environment for families new to the autism diagnosis. Mentors are both parents and professionals with strong knowledge of autism spectrum disorders in addition to a passion and commitment for empowering those who face the daily challenges of raising or educating a child with autism

The Exceptional Families Resource Center (EFRC)

The mission of the Exceptional Family Resource Center (EFRC) is to provide support, information and education for families of children with disabilities and the professionals who assist these families. By offering emotional support and factual information, EFRC enables families to help their children reach their fullest potential. EFRC Family Support Liaisons are peer-parent mentors (parents of children with disabilities and/or special needs) who have received training on family-driven services, communication skills, resources and systems navigation.

San Diego Regional Center

The San Diego Regional Center provides a variety of services to persons with developmental disabilities and their families. Services are based on the client’s individual needs and intended to maximize their independence, full potential, and quality of life. Any San Diego or Imperial County resident believed to have a developmental disability may apply for services. Eligibility is determined by the social, medical, and psychological information gathered during the intake process.

Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)

TASK is a Parent Training Information and Resource Center. It s a nonprofit organization, offering support to families with children who have special needs.

National Resources

  1. Autism Information Center, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, CDC
  2. National Institute on Child Health and Human Development

For more information or assistance finding needed community resources, please contact our Autism Program Coordinator at 858-966-8944.