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Injury Prevention

2022 Trauma Report

View a summary of our 2022 trauma report, identifying the most prevalent injury concerns in San Diego county.

Download Report Summary


photo of girl wearing a helmetThe Injury Prevention Program, through a team of health providers and educators, provides education, resources and programs to families and patients at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego and in the San Diego community.

The program works closely with the Health and Human Services Agency of San Diego County and the Hospital’s Trauma Center to monitor the incidence and prevalence of unintentional injury in our region.

Injury Prevention Programs:

  • Safety Store: providing products to keep your family safe.
  • Safe Kids San Diego: addressing drowning prevention, child passenger safety and other prevalent injury areas through a local coalition, in which Rady Children’s is the lead organization.
  • Injury Free Coalition for Kids: preventing injuries as part of a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
  • Safe Routes to School: increasing the number of children who walk or bike to school safely as part of a national initiative.
  • Transportation Safety Program: keeping everyone safe on the roads by providing child passenger safety seat inspections at our bi-weekly events and partnering with Impact Teen Drivers, an evidence-based program engaging, educating and empowering teens and their influencers to save lives by encouraging good decisions.

Contact Lorrie Lynn, Manager, Injury Prevention Programs,

Advocacy and Education

We advocate and educate through participation in coalitions, through our own programs and by securing funding to provide injury prevention services.

Rady Children’s is the lead agency for Safe Kids San Diego and the Injury Free Coalition for Kids; both are national and international coalitions devoted to injury surveillance, program development and implementation for childhood injury prevention. Rady Children’s also participates in a consortium of Level 1 trauma centers called the Trauma Research and Education Foundation (TREF). Collectively, these trauma centers provide educational campaigns and programs to address the most prevalent injury concerns in our county.

Our programs focus on the most prevalent injury areas, and the Safe Kids Coalition has specific task forces to address them.

These areas are :

Rady Children’s also has a Safety Store that carries injury prevention products to keep families safe at home, in the water, around flames, in a disaster and in their vehicle. These products are regularly updated according to national safety standards and best product recommendations.

For more information, contact Lorrie Lynn, Injury Prevention Program Manager
Phone: 858-576-1700, ext. 243547