Health Alert: San Diego County is seeing record numbers of influenza cases this season, with more severe cases & rapid illness progression — Read More

Tobacco Cessation/Partnership for Smoke-Free Families

PSF logoThe Partnership for Smoke-Free Families (PSF) is a comprehensive program designed to reduce tobacco smoke exposure among pregnant women and young children. PSF provides resources and support to obstetricians and pediatricians across San Diego County to help them screen pregnant women and families with young children for tobacco use and exposure and provide smoking cessation services and support for smokers and their families.

If you are a PSF participating office, visit our Program Materials page to download program materials.
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PSF program components are based on “best practice” strategies as outlined in the U.S. Public Health Services’ Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline. Our systematic screening and proactive approach to helping smokers receive cessation counseling are keys to our success. All implementation procedures, survey/fax referral forms, and educational materials developed by PSF for clinicians and families are available online for new and currently participating offices to access and download.

As of July 2011, the PSF program changed to a primarily web-based program. These changes were made so that PSF could continue to offer the program to healthcare providers for the long term, improve the screening and referral process, and allow more offices to participate. We hope you will use the available resources to help your patients and their families live healthy, smoke-free lives.

Contact Us

Partnership for Smoke-Free Families – Center for Healthier Communities
3020 Children’s Way, MC 5073
San Diego, CA 92123

Phone: 858-966-1700, ext. 244389.
Email: Mary Beth Moran,

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