General Information
- This is a resource site for information about vascular and pigmented birthmarks. Community support is offered through an international membership and newletters cover a variety of related issues.
- Hemangiomas and Vascular Anomalies: Orhan Konez, M.D., vascular anomalies specialist, created this website to offer information about vascular anomalies and their treatment.
- Vascular Birthmarks and Other Abnormalities of Blood Vessels and Lymphatics: Textbook chapter written by Drs. Ilona Frieden, Odile Enjolras and Nancy Esterly.
Patient and Family Support Organizations
- About Face International: An international organization that provides information and emotional support to individuals with facial differences and their families.
- About Face USA: A non-profit organization dedicated to providing information, emotional support and educational programs to individuals who have a facial disfigurement and to their families.
- Making Headway Foundation, Inc.: A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the care, comfort, and cure of children with brain and spinal cord tumors and other catastrophic neurological illnesses.
- National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction: The mission of the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction is to enable people, primarily children, with craniofacial conditions to lead productive, fulfilling lives.
- National Organization for Rare Disorders: A unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare “orphan” diseases (diseases that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the United States) and assisting the organizations that serve them.
- National Organziation of Vascular Anomalies: NOVA is a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding individuals in the management and care of vascular anomalies.
- Vascular Birthmarks Foundation: An international charitable organization that provides support and informational resources for individuals affected by hemangiomas, port wine stains and other vascular birthmarks and tumors and sponsors relevant research and promotes physician education.
Other Vascular Anomalies Centers
- Vascular Anomalies Center, Children’s Hospital Boston: The first comprehensive, interdisciplinary center for the treatment of individuals with vascular anomalies.
- Birthmark and Vascular Anomalies Center, University of California, San Francisco
- Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York University Medical Center: The mission of the IRPS of the NYU Medical Center is to maintain a leadership role in local, national and international plastic surgery by providing the highest standards of patient care, by offering optimal educational programs and by organizing clinical and basic science research programs
- Center for Endovascular Surgery, Hyman-Newman Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Medical Center: Endovascular surgery, a minimally invasive technique used for the treatment of head, neck, spine and brain disorders.
- Birthmarks and Vascular Anomalies Center, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
- Hemangiomas and Vascular Birthmarks Clinic, Oregon Health & Science University
- Gonda Vascular Center in Minnesota, Mayo Clinic