Health Alert: San Diego County is seeing record numbers of influenza cases this season, with more severe cases & rapid illness progression — Read More


With an undhomecare-staff-sizederstanding of the special care that children need, we have a team of highly skilled and dedicated pediatric caregivers with vast pediatric experience in hospital care, ambulatory care and home care.

Administrative Leaders

Stephanie Lawrence
Administrator, Director of HomeCare
858-966-4941, ext. 245051

Sydney Turnbul
Clinical Services Manager
858-966-4941, ext. 243533

Michael Clark
Pharmacy Manager, Pharmacist in Charge
858-966-4941, ext. 246917

Our Licensed Clinical Professionals:

  • Registered Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Clinical Pharmacists
  • Medical Social Workers
  • Other Pediatric Providers
  • Physical Therapists

Intake Team
The Intake Team coordinates services with your insurance company. Rady Children’s HomeCare has contracts with most insurance plans, and we receive verification of benefits, coverage and authorization from your insurance company. You and your insurance company are responsible for the accuracy of information. Please always provide us with accurate and updated insurance information as well as any changes that occur. When we start home care, you will receive information on your home care and medication benefits (if applicable), including the amount you may be responsible for. Insurance coverage can be complicated. If you do not understand any of the insurance or billing information, please call your Intake Coordinator.

Business Associates
Business Associates provide coordination of visit scheduling and supply delivery. A Business Associate will be contacting you to review the supplies and medication your child needs for his/her care and to schedule a delivery at a time and place where you are available to receive the items. If you require additional supplies or a supply change, please contact a Business Associate as soon as possible. A Business Associate will also contact you for home visit scheduling or to assist you with home health agency matters.

Warehouse, Delivery, Biomedical Team
The Warehouse, Delivery and Biomedical Team provides ordering, maintenance, packaging and delivery of supplies, equipment and medications. Your pumps and equipment are serviced and quality-tested by in-house biomedical staff prior to delivery and throughout care. Delivery is on a weekly or monthly basis, determined by your child’s therapy and doctor’s orders. You may also schedule to pick up at our office during regular business hours if you prefer. A parent or designated adult over 18 is required to provide signature for the safe delivery and storage of medications, formula or equipment into your home.