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Rady Children's Specialists

Rett Syndrome Clinic

The Rett syndrome multidisciplinary clinic aims to provide comprehensive care for patients with a diagnosis of this neurological condition. Learn about Rett syndrome.

We screen patients regularly for Rett-specific health conditions and help with the management of the multiple organ system issues that can arise across patients’  lifespans. We work with a dedicated nurse to facilitate communication with our patients’ families between clinic visits and follow-up on equipment, medications and subspecialty care referrals as needed.

Our goal is to maximize quality of life for our patients. We also have the ability to connect families who are eligible and interested in learning more about the clinical trials we have available.


Natalie Guido-Estrada, M.D., Clinic Director, Neurologist

Andrew Hannawi M.D., M.S., Neurologist

Richard Haas, M.D., Neurologist

Susan Biffl, M.D., Rehabilitation/Physical Medicine Specialist

Kyle Ryan, M.D., Rehabilitation/Physical Medicine Specialist

Marsha Harp, Nurse

Juliana Halpern, Nurse

Kyla Murphy,  Social Worker


7910 Frost Street Suite 195
The Southern Family Center for Cerebral Palsy
Phone: 858-966-5819 option 3
Fax: 858-966-4930