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Rady Children's Specialists

Frontonasal dysplasia and hypertelorbitism

Frontonasal dysplasia and hypertelorbitism are conditions characterized by an increased distance between the orbits. In frontonasal dysplasia, there is an incomplete migration of the orbits into proper apposition, resulting in widely separated eyes, or hypertelorbitism. Incomplete medial migration of the facial structures can also result in midline clefts of the nose, lip, palate and forehead. Other causes of hypertelorbitism include amniotic band syndrome and ethmoid encephaloceles.

Characteristics of frontonasal dysplasia and hypertelorbitism include:

  • Widely separated eyes
  • Broad nasal root
  • Notched nasal tip or divided nostrils
  • Deficit in midline frontal bone

Treatment is directed at moving the bony orbits and eyes back together again and reconstructing the nasal and forehead clefts. These complex procedures require a surgical team composed of a pediatric craniofacial plastic surgeon, oculoplastic surgeon and neurosurgeon. Rady Children’s Craniofacial Surgery team has an extensive experience with the correction of frontonasal dysplasia and hypertelorbitism using the latest techniques and technologies.