Pragmatics is the ability to appropriately interact with another by:
- Maintaining appropriate eye contact
- Verbal turn-taking
- Using language appropriate to the social situation
- Connecting with others
Pragmatic disorder occurs for many children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and can also occur in other children.
Signs of a pragmatic disorder
- Poor/inappropriate eye contact
- Inability to take turns during conversation and games
- Inability to engage in the give and take of a conversation
- Difficulty understanding how to use communication (verbal and non-verbal) to get needs and wants met across social situations
- Getting stuck on particular topics or ideas
- Difficulty moving from one topic or activity to another (transitions)
Ways to facilitate development of social communication and help prevent problems:
- Model appropriate turn-taking and eye contact
- Engage in “people” games or social routines from a very young age
- Play simple turn-taking games
- Provide shared social experiences appropriate to developmental level
- Gain child’s attention before speaking (get on child’s level, say name)
- Help children play with each other and model appropriate social skills