Tongue thrust is exhibited when a child demonstrates a reverse swallow pattern of the tongue moving forward through the teeth during swallowing foods, liquids and speech production. A tongue thrust affects speech production and orthodonture/malformed jaw and usually occurs concurrently with an open-mouth posture. Children often will have a history of allergies, enlarged tonsil/adenoids and thumb sucking. A tongue thrust is usually diagnosed by an orthodontist or during a speech evaluation and/or therapy.
Warning signs
- Open-mouth posture
- Tongue pushing through the teeth during speech (especially on the “s” and “z” sounds)
- Tongue rests on the bottom lip
- Tightening of the face and lip muscles during swallowing
- Elimination of oral habits, such as thumb sucking and prolonged bottle or pacifier use beyond 12 months
- Management of allergies with medication
- Consultation with an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist regarding structural problems (such as enlarged adenoids) contributing to tongue thrust
- Raise child’s awareness of their mouth posture (encourage them to keep their lips closed)
- Encourage chewing with the mouth closed
- Encourage child to place tongue behind upper teeth when at rest