The following frequently asked questions will help you understand more about your visit to Rady Children’s Urgent Care Center:
What happens when you arrive?
You will be greeted by a pediatric-trained nurse who will perform a quick evaluation/assessment of your child. The nurse will provide you with an Estimated Time to be Seen and advise you when to return to Urgent Care to begin your visit. Some patients must be seen right away or sooner than others.
We strive to meet all of the cultural needs of our patients.
Please talk to the nurse before giving your child anything to eat or drink. Some tests and medicines can only be given on an empty stomach. If your child does eat or drink something, it may delay treatment.
If at any time your child’s condition worsens, please return sooner or speak to the nurse.
How long will the wait be?
In our Urgent Care centers your child will be assessed to determine the order they will be seen. Children are treated based on need, not on the order in which they arrive. The more seriously ill or injured child has to be seen first. The Triage Nurse will assign you an Estimated Time to Be Seen and will advise you when to return. Your visit will then begin with Registration, a more thorough triage with necessary medication administration and a medical exam by a provider.
The time to return will be based on the number of patients who arrive prior to you.
We do have a maximum capacity daily and when we reach this, we will unfortunately close for the night. Use this link to check the status of an Urgent Care location before coming.
Who will see your child?
When it is your child’s turn, an assessment will be made in two stages: First, you will meet your child’s nurse who will examine your child and ask more questions. Then, a board-certified pediatric physician will continue the examination and coordinate your child’s treatment. In some cases, a physician may decide your child needs to see another specialist or receive a higher level of care.
What happens when you go home?
After your child has been treated, you will be given printed discharge instructions. You may be asked to visit your family doctor or to make a follow-up appointment in one of Rady Children’s clinics. If your child does not have a doctor, Rady Children’s Healthcare Referral Service, at 800-788-9029, will help you find a pediatrician in your neighborhood.
In case of a life-threatening emergency, dial 9-1-1. If your child’s condition gets worse or problems develop when you get home, call your pediatrician.