Articles In This Section
Can Endometriosis Make It Difficult to Have Children?
Find out what the experts have to say.
How Long Does it Take for a Broken Bone to Heal?
How long does a broken bone take to heal? Find out!
What Is Informed Consent?
Informed consent is a legal term that means a person is aware of the facts of a situation (such as a surgical procedure) before agreeing to it.
Should Girls Who Aren’t Sexually Active Be Vaccinated Against HPV?
Find out what the experts have to say.
Is There a Connection Between Vaccines and Autism?
Find out what the experts have to say.
Dealing With Triggers: Pets
Do pets make your child's allergies or asthma worse? Here's how to handle it.
What to Look for on Food Labels if Your Child Has Food Allergies
Food labels can help you spot allergens your child must avoid. Find out more.
What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy and a Food Intolerance?
Food allergies and food intolerances, like lactose intolerance, are not the same. Find out more.
How Do Doctors Test for Food Allergies?
Find out what the experts have to say.
Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome
Pollen-food allergy syndrome happens when someone with a pollen allergy eats certain foods. It only affects the lips, mouth, and throat.
What Is Skin Testing for Allergies?
A scratch or skin prick test is a common way doctors find out more about a person's allergies.